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Eye Flu Treatment

Eye flu treatment is dependent on the origin and severity of the ailment. Here are a few possible remedies:

  • Redness and Irritation

Redness and irritation of the eyes are two of the main signs of eye sickness. The blood vessels in the eyes enlarge due to conjunctival inflammation, creating the appearance of pink or red eyes. It’s possible for the eyes to feel scratchy, uncomfortable, or strange. In the mornings or after periods of rest, these redness and discomfort are frequently more apparent.

  • Watery Eyes

Another typical sign of eye flu is excessive tear production, which results in wet or teary eyes. Tear glands may be stimulated by conjunctival irritation, which could result in an excess of tears. Watery eyes can cause discomfort and blurry vision, which makes it difficult to carry out regular tasks.

  • Sensitivity to Light

Photophobia, a disease where the eyes become sensitive to light, can occur in people with eye fever. People may squint or cover their eyes from light sources as a result of eye pain and discomfort brought on by exposure to bright lights or sunlight.

  • Discharge from the Eyes

A typical sign of bacterial conjunctivitis is a thick, sticky ocular discharge, especially in the morning. The eyelids may cling together as a result of this discharge, which is frequently yellow or greenish in colour. Additionally, a watery or clear discharge from the eyes may be a symptom of viral conjunctivitis.

  • Gritty Sensation

Some people with eye flu may feel as though there is debris in their eyes because of a gritty or sandy sensation. It might be uncomfortable to experience this grittiness, which is frequently brought on by conjunctival irritation.

  • Crusting of Eyelids

The discharge from the eyes in cases of bacterial conjunctivitis may dry and harden overnight, causing crusts to form around the eyelids. The existence of these crusts may make it difficult for people to open their eyes when they awaken.

  • Swelling of Eyelids

When brought on by allergies, swelling of the eyelids may be a sign of eye flu. Eyelid oedema brought on by allergic conjunctivitis can give the appearance of puffy, enlarged eyes.

  • Discomfort While Blinking

Due to conjunctival inflammation, those with eye flu may suffer discomfort or agony when blinking. Blinking may make the irritation worse and make you feel worse.

  • Eye Discharge Contagiousness

The underlying cause of eye flu affects how contagious it is. Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or viruses is extremely contagious and can be passed from one person to another through direct contact or inhalation of respiratory droplets. Contrarily, allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious and does not pass from person to person.

Tips For A Speedy Recovery of Eye Flu

The following tips can help you recover from eye flu quickly:

  • Avoid Touching or Rubbing the Eyes

Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes, as this can exacerbate the irritation and perhaps spread bacteria or viruses to the eyes. Additionally aggravating the situation and delaying healing are rubbing the eyes.

  • Properly Dispose of Eye Discharge

It’s crucial to properly dispose of any tissues or other disposable objects used for eye care if your eye flu is accompanied by discharge. To stop the transmission of illness, avoid letting the discharge touch your hands or any other surfaces.

  • Follow the Eye Flu Treatment Plan

It is essential to adhere to the recommended course of therapy if you have been prescribed drugs for bacterial conjunctivitis, such as antibiotic eye drops or ointments. Even if your symptoms go better, finish the entire course of medicine to be sure the infection is completely eradicated.

  • Use Lubricating Eye Drops

Eye flu-related dryness and irritation can be lessened with over-the-counter lubricating eye drops. To keep the eyes pleasant throughout the day, use these drops as needed, which moisturise the eyes.

  • Avoid Wearing Contact Lenses

If you wear contact lenses, wait to put them back in until your eyes have totally healed. The issue may get worse with contact lenses, raising the possibility of complications. During the healing phase, wear glasses only.

  • Practice Good Hygiene

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water to practise excellent hand hygiene, especially after touching your eyes or using eye care products. To stop the transmission of infection, avoid sharing towels, pillowcases, or makeup with others.

  • Rest Your Eyes

Rest your eyes frequently to speed up the recovery process. Avoid making your eyes sore by spending a lot of time staring at displays or doing things that demand a lot of visual focus.

  • Avoid Irritants

It is crucial to stay away from these irritants until your eyes have completely recovered if environmental factors like smoke, pollution, or chlorine in swimming pools caused your eye illness. Using irritants might delay healing and make the situation worse.

  • Eat a Healthy Diet

Your body’s immune system can be supported and the healing process accelerated by eating a healthy, balanced diet. To maintain overall eye health, include foods high in vitamins and antioxidants in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

  • Keep Your Hands Away from Your Face

Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, with unclean hands to stop the transmission of illness and reduce the chance of reinfection.

  • Monitor Your Symptoms

Keep a close eye on your symptoms, and get medical attention if they get worse, or if you have unexpected vision changes or excruciating discomfort.


Conjunctivitis, sometimes known as “eye flu,” is a common illness of the eyes that can be brought on by bacterial or viral infections, allergies, or irritants in the environment. It can be beneficial for people to adopt preventative actions and seek early medical assistance when necessary by being aware of the causes, symptoms, and available treatments. You may lessen your risk of developing eye flu and enjoy clear, comfortable vision by practising proper hygiene and being aware of your surroundings. 

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