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Endoscopy Dept. Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy

Endoscopy Sujata Birla Hospital

Why have these methods been organized? 

You will have seen your primary care doctor about certain side effects that have been alarming you. The primary care doctor has organized you to be seen by a subject matter expert (or his/her delegate) in a center. 

The doctor or the expert feels that these assessments are the most ideal approach to examine your indications. In this manner, the entire covering of your neck (throat), stomach, the initial segment of your small intestine system, and the large bowel is seen at one visit. 

The advantages of these assessments incorporate the capacity to take biopsies to examine little pieces of tissue which might be strange. The tissue is eliminated effortlessly with a minuscule pair of forceps and taken for examination in the lab. A colonoscopy likewise empowers the expulsion of polyps without the need (in by far most cases) for an activity. Again this should as a rule be possible at just one visit. 

What is a joined Upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopy? 

These combined procedures may assist with finding the reason for your indications. An upper GI Endoscopy is a test that permits the endoscopist to gaze straight toward the covering of the neck (throat), stomach, and initial segment of the small digestive tract (duodenum). Different names utilized for an upper GI endoscopy you may hear are OGD and Gastroscopy. A colonoscopy is an assessment of the huge gut (colon). The upper GI Endoscopy will generally be the primary strategy attempted however there is no set standard and the request may rely upon the request the endoscopist considers best for you. 

Upper GI Endoscopy 
A thin adaptable cylinder with a light on the end is tenderly passed from your mouth into your stomach. Pictures from the cylinder appear on a TV screen and away from your neck, stomach and duodenum can be seen. 

This is an assessment of the enormous inside utilizing a long, adaptable cylinder called a Colonoscopy. The cylinder permits the colon to be seen straightforwardly and for photos of the coating and tests of the tissues to be taken.

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