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The human body needs some important nutrients and minerals to function properly. A certain amount of iodine is needed by us to order for it to make a chemical known as thyroid hormone. The thyroid hormone controls our metabolism and other important body functions. Low levels of iodine are not the only cause of low thyroid function. But a lack of iodine can cause abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland, known as a goitre, and other thyroid problems. In children, it can cause mental disabilities.
Your body doesn’t naturally make iodine, so the only way to get this nutrient is through your diet. Adults typically require 150 micrograms per day. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need 200 mcg per day. Iodine is found in many types of foods. It’s most concentrated in foods such as fish, eggs, nuts, meats, bread, dairy products, seaweed and iodized table salt.
Iodine deficiency affects about 2 billion people worldwide. It’s most common in developing countries where people may lack access to enough healthy food. But it can also affect people in developed countries who lack an adequate diet or whose bodies don’t correctly process iodine. Pregnant women require more iodine than any other group of people. Because of this, they’re likely to experience a deficiency if they don’t make a conscious effort to consume high-iodine foods.
What is iodine deficiency? To know this here are some signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency. Swelling of the thyroid glands in the neck. This can cause a visible lump, called a goitre, to form on your neck. Low levels of thyroid hormones. It typically causes symptoms that can include fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, puffy face, muscle weakness, elevated blood cholesterol levels, pain or stiffness in the muscles and joints, slowed heart rate, thinning hair, depression, poor memory, a heavier-than-normal period in menstruating women.

In infants, hypothyroidism is likely to cause symptoms like frequent choking, large tongue, puffy face, constipation, poor muscle tone, extreme sleepiness. In children and teens, this condition may cause poor growth, delayed tooth development, delayed puberty and poor mental development. Cognitive issues symptoms can include low IQ, trouble learning, mental disabilities especially in children.
When left untreated, iodine deficiency can lead to severe hypothyroidism. It would include heart disease and related disorders, such as an enlarged heart and even heart failure. Mental health issues such as depression and cognitive impairment, damage to the body’s peripheral nerves and impaired ovulation, may cause infertility in women. Low amounts of thyroid hormone in pregnant women can increase their child’s risk of birth defects. Pregnancy-related issues that iodine deficiency can cause include miscarriages, stillbirth, preterm delivery and congenital abnormalities in newborns. In severe cases, iodine deficiency can cause a condition called cretinism.
Myxedema is a rare but life-threatening complication of hypothyroidism that can be caused by iodine deficiency. An intense intolerance to cold temperatures. Drowsiness is followed by extreme fatigue, and ultimately, unconsciousness. In people with hypothyroidism, certain things can trigger a myxedema coma. These include sedatives, an infection, or other stressors on the body. Myxedema is an emergency condition that requires immediate medical treatment.
Iodine deficiency is best corrected by a healthy diet
. If your diet alone is not supplying enough iodine, you may want to consider adding an iodine supplement. Iodine supplements containing potassium are the most readily absorbed by the body. Look for supplements that contain potassium iodide and potassium iodate. Most people with iodine deficiency can fix their health issues by changing their diet and adding supplementation. People with myxedema require hospitalization.
If caught early, iodine deficiency can be completely reversed with few to no side effects. However, if it’s caught after complications arise, many complications especially in children can be permanent. But even if complications have developed after iodine deficiency, making sure you get enough iodine going forward can prevent complications from getting worse.